Fleet Management Limited (Fleet) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with major maritime players to jointly perform a feasibility study for the development of Ammonia and LPG bunkering in Singapore. Our partners include AP Moller Maersk, Keppel Offshore & Marine, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, Sumitomo Corporation and Yara International.
Emitting zero CO2 when combusted, ammonia has long been considered one of the most promising alternative marine fuels to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the shipping industry. This is in line with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) strategy to reduce CO2 emission by 2050. Green ammonia, in particular, possesses great potential as it is produced from only renewable electricity, water and air with no CO2 emission.
The study aims to cover the entire end-to-end supply chain of ammonia bunkering, which includes the development of a cost-effective green1 ammonia supply chain, design of ammonia bunkering vessels4, as well as related supply chain infrastructure. Relevant government agencies and experts in Singapore will be engaged in working towards the standardisation of safe operation and regulations. The study will assess the supply of ammonia including potential synergies with Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as a starting point. Considering the comparable requirements for mild refrigerated storage, vessels or barges initially designed for LPG can also handle brown3, blue2 and green1 ammonia.
Mr Kishore Rajvanshy, Managing Director, Fleet Management, said, “We are very pleased to support the development of the green transition pathway for our industry. We participate with our technical expertise across ship types to provide holistic solutions to sustainability, and along with other alternative fuels such as methanol, we feel ammonia will play a significant role.”
1Green ammonia: Carbon-free ammonia synthesized from nitrogen and carbon-free hydrogen produced from renewable energy.
2Blue ammonia: Carbon-neutral ammonia produced from natural gas, with the CO2 produced from the processes captured and prevented from entering the atmosphere.
3Brown ammonia: Conventional ammonia produced from natural gas.
4Ammonia-ready LPG bunkering vessel: LPG bunkering vessel, which can be modified and converted into ammonia bunkering vessel in the future.